Vulkano Realiza Actividades de Team Building en Wayra

🚀 At Vulkano, our team is essential to who we are, so we take every opportunity to strengthen our team’s capabilities. Recently, we had the privilege of meeting with our mentor, Cristina Fernández Hernández, at Wayra at Telefónica, to discuss team building and strategies for success. We firmly believe that team communication and collaboration are fundamental to aligning our culture and motivating us to work toward our common goals. As our team at Vulkano continues to grow, we are committed to implementing these tools for building strong team relationships and fostering an environment of trust.

Innovación TeamBuilding CorporateStrategy StartUpCulture Wayra Vulkano


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¡Vulkano en South Summit 2024!

¡South Summit 2024 en Madrid comienza mañana! 🚀 Y una vez más, estaremos allí. 👇 👇 Ven a visitar nuestro stand y descubre cómo estamos

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