For the second year in a row, Vulkano⚡was present at Asociación Nacional de CEEIs (ANCES) OPEN INNOVATION awards ceremony 🎉
On this instance, we did not participate in any company’s challenge, but we were part of the open innovation round table -startup’s perspective- with Ayim Manuel de la Fuente 💡
During the discussion, we highlighted the importance of programs like ANCES OPEN INNOVATION, which act as a bridge for many tech startups with disruptive products to solve challenges and problems faced by large corporations. We also talked about the importance of corporates having team members who advocate for innovation and understand the specific needs of startups, enabling fruitful and long-term collaboration.🤝
Notable examples are Ormazabal, with Koldo Atxutegi, or CAPSA FOOD with Rubén Hidalgo, demonstrating how collaboration and open innovation can create impactful opportunities and solutions in their companies. 🚀
It was a pleasure to see many familiar faces again. Álvaro Simón De Blas Phd Cristina Fanjul Alonso or Luis Fraga. It has been a magnificent event!
#OpenInnovation #Startups #Technology #Collaboration #ANCESOpenInnovation #Vulkano